Contact Me

If you have any comments or information you think might be useful for this project, you can contact me via email at:

windsandbreezes [at]

Thank you.

26 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Belfast Mapper

    Hi, I think I have found the Crohy Head Eire sign. OSI 1995 black and white. On a narrow strip of land, lined up to be seen from the sea, as intended, remains of box can be seen.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Oisin, yes, there was one located there and thanks to your note, I’ve found the remains of it. It will be posted up sometime in the next month.

  2. Eileen Doherty

    Hi I went to school in Brinalack Co Donegal and I’m 99% sure there was a lookout point up from the school. It would have had a great vantage point at being able to see any ships on the horizon.

    Eileen Doherty

  3. Gary Leahy

    Hi. Great work you’ve done!! I’m having trouble locating the Baltimore sign on Google earth.. Would you have GPS co-ordinates for it I wonder?
    Best wishes,

  4. Margaret Sweeney

    Can you let me know about Eire signs 58 – 59 – 60 – 61. I know that signs 58 -59 and 60 are in Achill but on the map its kind of confusing because 60 and 61 are as follows 61 in Achill and 60 in Belmullet, so my question is which is it, 60 in Achill, 61 in Belmullet or is it the other way around, can you let me know. Also can you email me as to where i can get more information on theses look-out’s , like who maned them and when the ceased operation, stuff like that

  5. mary folan-ferron

    There was an EIRE sign on our land at Dooyeher Carna Co Galway. The stones are still there, and we hope to restore the sign. I would love to know the ‘number’ associated with it. From memory I think there was a 5? I maybe wrong.

  6. john shortall

    hi, we were on isih mor for a short break this week and by chance literally stood beside EIRE 50 at the tip of the island up from kilmurvey . my daughter is going into junior cert year and was so excited as she had never heard of these . she is now going to research all about them

  7. mary folan ferron

    EIRE sign -Dooyeher Carna Co Galway. Would like to know the number associated with this sign, please.

  8. mick byrne

    thanks for the great information. I am involved with the look out post at Forlorn point in wexford, i notice a big gap on you map on the south east coast, is this because non were built or no records exist?

  9. Declan O Carroll

    As a child growing up in Bundoran my father told me about the EIRE signs and that there was one on Aughros Head on which the Bundoran Golf links is built. I recall being shown what was remaining of it and now 50 odd years later I have asked the Magh Ene Historical Society in Bundoran to investigate. I have not ever seen any reference to it and it was the article in the Donegal News 7 Sept which rekindled my interest in its existence. From memory it is on the seaside of the walkway behind the 8th green. Have you any information on this sign?

    1. admin Post author

      Hello Declan,
      I am afraid I don’t. Basically I built the site to list the signs for which I could still find evidence. However, I don’t have a LOP listed for Bundoran either – so it would have fallen between 69 Mullaghmore and 70 St John’s Head. We have some signs which seem to be orphan signs however and I’d like to know more about them. This would not be the only sign lost to a golf course though; I’ve not been able to track down one on the Old Head of Kinsale either and I’m told one was built there.

      1. Declan O Carroll

        Thanks for that info. I should add that the sign is outside the golf course perimeter fence right on the cliff edge. I asked the local Magh Ene Historical group to investigate giving them the info I have from my youth. The sign is most likely overgrown. There was never an LOP at Bundoran

      2. Don Mullahy

        Like Declan I grew up in Bundoran and clearly recall seeing the letters in the location where Declan has indicated. Just to the right of the shelter facing the ocean at the top of the walkway. A new walkway has since been built which I hope will not have infringed on the location of the sign.
        The explanation I was given at the time for the sign was that it was an aid for pilots coming from the West en route to St Angelo Airdrome Enniskillen as they were permitted to overfly this corridor and this was the only part of Ireland where it was allowed!!

  10. Ian

    you can see just about see an outline of #44 at kilcredaun lighthouse on Google maps when you know where to look by comparing an old photo of same 52.580462,-9.712174

  11. Mark Joyce


    There is also an EIRE sign on top of Doon Hill in Ballyconneely, Co Galway. It was constructed along with a watchtower during ‘The Emergency’.



    1. admin Post author

      HI Mark, yes, it’s EIRE 53 – I have it linked to Slyne Head. From what I can see the number is intact but I don’t really see the rest of the sign. Do you know if has been restored.

  12. Robert Nicholson

    You might be interested to know that work has been in progress over recent months in uncovering and restoring sign No 7 at Hawk Cliff beside the Vico Road in Dalkey, Co Dublin. The work is being done by Dalkey Tidy Towns.They put a plastic underlay beneath the stones but I think everything else is authentic enough. Work in progress was filmed by RTE and was broadcast on ‘Nationwide’ (see Dalkey Tidy Towns facebook).



  13. Denise

    Eire #7 spotted currently being installed at Hawk Cliff, Dalkey, Dublin.
    Photo + details sent to your email


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